Arrival & Contact


RiesCraterMuseum Nördlingen
Eugene-Shoemaker-Platz 1
86720 Nördlingen


Arrival by car

Nearest free parking for cars and buses: parking lot “Am Schlössle” (formerly Kaiserwiese).
From there walk to the museum (approx. 10 min): through the Baldinger Tor, turn left at the first crossing, after approx. 50 m turn left again, past the city museum to the right. The museum is located in the so-called Holzhof-Stadel.

Arrival by train

Nördlingen is on the Deutsche Bahn AG route 995 and can be reached from Munich (via Augsburg), Stuttgart and Nuremberg in less than two hours (usually with a change of trains). From the station, it is a 15-minute walk through the historic old town to the museum.


RiesCraterMuseum Nördlingen
Eugene-Shoemaker-Platz 1
86720 Nördlingen

Phone.: (09081) 84710
Fax: (09081) 84720
